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Customer Relationship Advisor


Hi, I’m Laura and I work in the Customer Service team. I love to help people and look forward to getting the best value for buy2 customers. I enjoy exploring new places, reading and drinking tea!

What do you like about working at 2buy2?

I love the family feel of 2buy2. Everyone is kind and helpful.

How are you changing the world for our clients?

Having spent over a decade working with charities in Brazil, I’ve witnessed firsthand the financial challenges they face. I understand the importance of using resources wisely. It’s this personal experience that fuels my passion for 2buy2’s mission. By securing the best deals, we enable charities, churches, and schools to focus their resources on what truly matters: their mission to help others.

What's the most important 2buy2 value and why?

I believe the most important 2buy2 value is integrity. I think in this age where there are many things that are not as they seem; integrity and honesty are values that really stand out and bring trust.

What are your interests?

I love to explore new places with the kids, we especially love going to the beach. I drink a lot of tea and when I have the time, I like to bake something to go with the tea! I love being creative and will use any excuse for a party or celebration!

Your favourite quote:

“Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly.”  Micah

What would you never do?

Laura would never..... 

I would never jump out of an aeroplane, or bungee jump or eat chicken hearts (which are a Brazilian delicacy!)