

Manager of People and Learning Department


Family and faith are the most important things to me.  I love my roles of wife, mum, doggie mum, daughter, sister…the list goes on and l love them all. Hopefully my Christian faith shines through in all I do, treating people with love and respect and regularly serving my community through youth work, refugee support and food bank activities. I’m the Senior Manager of People and Learning at 2buy2 and this gives me great opportunities to assist and equip all of our workforce with the best working environment and practices possible.

What do you like about working at 2buy2?

I love the people, we really are a great team (sorry if that sounds cheesy).  We all strive to meet our values of Value for Money, Integrity, Passion, Excellence and Respect.

How are you changing the world for our clients?

you should probably ask them but hopefully I’m helping them to feel valued in the workplace and happy to come to work each day.

What's the most important 2buy2 value and why?

for me it’s passion.  Without passion for the company and the people I work with I probably wouldn’t be able to achieve the others.

What are your interests?

I think I covered that already haha!

Your favourite quote:

It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness – Charles Spurgeon

What would you never do?

Liz would never..... 

Bungee jumping (or anything that involves heights) also pot holing (or anything that involves going underground). I’m not the bravest anymore.