Solution type: DPS

Accountancy and Financial

Struggling to find the right accountancy and financial services to maintain accurate financial records? Explore our compliant and customisable solution
For: Public Sector, Private Sector

Whether you’re an individual entity or part of a larger organisation, we connect you with a reliable financial partner specialising in the ever-evolving sector. Join us today to secure a financial partner that complements your skills and ensures financial success. Let’s work together to keep your records accurate and your operations thriving.

Why Choose our accountancy and financial Services dps?

Discover the advantages of choosing our Accountancy and Financial Services Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for your organisation’s procurement needs.

Are you seeking a streamlined and regulation-compliant method to procure these essential services? Our DPS for Accounting and Financial Advisory Services provides a compliant avenue for tendering your finance and internal audit contracts.

Benefits of our accountancy and financial services dps

Supplier Network

Secure great contracts with reputable suppliers by using our clear and simple templates. All suppliers have been assessed on both a quality and commercial basis.

Efficient Award Process

Benefit from a faster award process with our pre-vetted suppliers, ensuring a streamlined experience.

Specification options

The Accountancy and Financial DPS has a range of different services, from quarterly and monthly reporting to tax support, benchmarking and risk management.